Phd Theses Completed (x6)

Congratutations on six team members for completing their theses in 2024. It is our fortune to have worked with them.

  • Ming Jin. Towards Dynamic Graph Neural Networks . Selected Outcomes: ICML-24, ICLR-24, NeurIPS-22, TKDE-22, CIKM-21, IJCAI-21
  • Xin Zheng. Automated Graph Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Workflow. Selected Outcomes: ICLR-24, NeurIPS-23, NeurIPS-23, WWW-23, ICDM-22
  • He Zhang. Towards Trustworthy Graph Neural Networks: Robustness, Privacy, and Fairness. Selected Outcomes: PIEEE-24, ICML-24, ICDE-24, TKDE-22, CIKM-21
  • Yixin Liu. Learning Graph Neural Networks with Limited Information. Selected Outcomes: NeurIPS-23, KDD-23, WSDM-23, AAAI-23, WWW-22, TKDE-22, TKDE-21, TNNLS-21
  • Guangsi Shi. Research And Application On Process Manufacturing Industry With Artificial Intelligence Technologies: A Cement Process Case Study. Seletected Outcomes: iScience-24, NNJ-24, PT-23, PT-23,
  • Bo Xiong. Geometric Relational Embeddings. Seletected Outcomes: AAAI-24, ACL-23, NeurIPS-22, KDD-22.

Shirui Pan
Shirui Pan
Professor and ARC Future Fellow

My research interests include data mining, machine learning, and graph analysis.