GOODAT: Towards Test-time Graph Out-of-Distribution Detection


Graph neural networks (GNNs) have found widespread application in modeling graph data across diverse domains. While GNNs excel in scenarios where the testing data shares the distribution of their training counterparts (in distribution, ID), they often exhibit incorrect predictions when confronted with samples from an unfamiliar distribution (out-of-distribution, OOD). To identify and reject OOD samples with GNNs, recent studies have explored graph OOD detection, often focusing on training a specific model or modifying the data on top of a well-trained GNN. Despite their effectiveness, these methods come with heavy training resources and costs, as they need to optimize the GNN-based models on training data. Moreover, their reliance on modifying the original GNNs and accessing training data further restricts their universality. To this end, this paper introduces a method to detect Graph Out-of-Distribution At Test-time (namely GOODAT), a data-centric, unsupervised, and plug-and-play solution that operates independently of training data and modifications of GNN architecture. With a lightweight graph masker, GOODAT can learn informative subgraphs from test samples, enabling the capture of distinct graph patterns between OOD and ID samples. To optimize the graph masker, we meticulously design three unsupervised objective functions based on the graph information bottleneck principle, motivating the masker to capture compact yet informative subgraphs for OOD detection. Comprehensive evaluations confirm that our GOODAT method outperforms state-of-the-art benchmarks across a variety of real-world datasets.

The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), February 20-27, 2024, Vancouver, Canada (CORE A*).
Luzhi Wang
Luzhi Wang

My research interests include machine learning and artificial intelligence.

He Zhang
He Zhang
Research Fellow @ RMIT

My research interests include data mining, machine learning, and graph analysis.

Yixin Liu
Yixin Liu
ARC Research Fellow

My research interests include machine learning, graph analysis and audio processing.

Shirui Pan
Shirui Pan
Professor and ARC Future Fellow

My research interests include data mining, machine learning, and graph analysis.