Neural Temporal Walks: Motif-Aware Representation Learning on Continuous-Time Dynamic Graphs


Continuous-time dynamic graphs naturally abstract many real-world systems, such as social and transactional networks. While the research on continuous-time dynamic graph representation learning has made significant advances recently, neither graph topological properties nor temporal dependencies have been well-considered and explicitly modeled in capturing dynamic patterns. In this paper, we introduce a novel method, Neural Temporal Walks (NeurTWs), for representation learning on continuous-time dynamic graphs. By considering not only time constraints but also structural and tree traversal properties, NeurTWs conducts spatiotemporal-biased random walks to retrieve a set of representative motifs, enabling temporal nodes to be characterized effectively. With a component based on neural ordinary differential equations, the extracted motifs allows for irregularly-sampled temporal nodes to be embedded explicitly over multiple interaction time intervals, enabling the capture of the underlying spatiotemporal dynamics. To enrich supervision signals, we further design a harder contrastive pretext task for model optimization. Our method demonstrates overwhelming superiority under both transductive and inductive settings on three real-world datasets.

2022 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS-22, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, November 28 - December 9, 2022 (CORE A*)
Ming Jin
Ming Jin
PhD Student @ Monash (08/2020-)

My research interests include machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Shirui Pan
Shirui Pan
Professor and ARC Future Fellow

My research interests include data mining, machine learning, and graph analysis.